Need a new Skate Deck? Like making Art? This opportunity might just be a perfect fit for you. Truth is launching a contest in collaboration with Skateboarding Magazine which can land you a Free Skateboarding Deck.
Winner of the last contest: Station Camp High School in Gallatin, Tennessee has won truth’s 2016 Custom Culture skateboard deck challenge. The challenge? Art students were asked to customize a blank skateboard deck with a design inspired by the following theme: Only 7% of teens smoke. That’s down from 23% in 2000. We can get it to 0%. Now: Show us what it looks like when we finish smoking for good.
Tobacco is still the number one cause of preventable death in the U.S. Almost half-a-million Americans will die from tobacco-related causes this year, and one in three youth smokers will eventually die from tobacco-related diseases. Almost 90 percent of adult smokers start smoking by 18 years of age and 99 percent start by the age of 26.
truth is one of the most successful and one of the largest national youth tobacco prevention campaigns. The campaign exposes the tactics of the tobacco industry, the truth about addiction, and the health effects and social consequences of smoking. truth gives teens facts to make their own informed choices about tobacco use and inspires them to use their social influence and creativity in the fight against tobacco. The campaign is credited with preventing hundreds of thousands of teens from starting to smoke, and is working to make this the generation that ends smoking for good.
truth is part of Truth Initiative, a national public health organization dedicated to achieving a culture where all youth and young adults reject tobacco.
The students at Station Camp High School in Gallatin are one example of how young people are using creativity to combat Big Tobacco on their own.
We’re holding another contest to get your hands on a brand spankin’ new Skate Deck. Here are the details. Make sure to get us your artwork by September 20th, 2016.
Contest Guidelines:
We’re holding a contest asking teens to submit an image of an original piece of art inspired by what it will look like when we finish smoking for good. You can submit your photo through facebook with the hashtag #FinishIT and tag both Skateboarding Magazine and truth.
-You’ve got two weeks to create & submit a custom piece of art/design via social inspired by the following theme: Only 7% of teens smoke. That’s down from 23% in 2000. We can get it to 0%. Show us what it looks like when we finish smoking for good.
Make sure to submit your artwork before September 20th for a chance to win a FREE Truth Skateboard Deck.
Please send artwork in a JPG, PNG or PDF Format.
If you have questions about the contest don’t hesitate to ask us on facebook! Good luck!