Skateboarding Trick Videos: Blunt Kickflip to Fakie
One of my more favored tricks. The Blunt Kickflip to Fakie, tried by many, failed by more. The art of deception is really what makes this skateboarding trick more juicy for me. Check out this new video of Jakob Harteg hitting the old Blunt Kickflip to Fakie Trick.
Now that wasn’t bad, but still doesn’t compare to last years video of Ben Hatchell and his “Huge Blunt Kickflip to Fakie” which you can watch in this video below.
Now, a lot of skaters might start whining about how it wasn’t THAT HUGE. ( that’s what she said ) But, it’s the fact that neither of these are professional videos where they reshot the same trick over and over again to get it perfect. These amateur videos show raw unedited talent under the heat of pressure. Appreciate the small things in life, and huge ones. ( that’s what she said…again)