The days on the infamous Hubba Hideout are numbered. The city of San Francisco has decided to rip out this skate spot {after} {attempting} {many} {issues} like {placing} up skate stoppers and by altering the spot so it was {tougher} to skate. These attempts didn’t {work} and they have decided to just go ahead and tear the {whole} {thing} out of there.
As you can see in the {image} above the skate stoppers have been removed from {each} sides and the {website} jackhammered out some of the brick thinking that these {actions} would make the spot unskateable. {Obviously} it didn’t. The Hubba Hideout is was {fairly} {much} the birthplace of the term “Hubba” and {after} it was {place} on the map, {everybody} {began} to referring to ledges as Hubba’s and as that term will {stay}, the spot is no going to be inserted into the history books.