The Carlsbad Gap is an 11 stair set skateboard spot {located} in Carlsbad, California at Carlsbad High School. It {first} gained prominence in the early 90s {following} {several} pros {started} skating {over} it in addition to the stairs {right} beside it. {In contrast to} {numerous} spots, the landing is an uphill {one} which adds to the difficulty.
{Here} are just a {few} of the tricks that went down at the Carlsbad Gap. This is only a partial list of who threw em down and what they did.
Andrew Reynolds – Backside Cabaleriall
Chris Cole – Switch Frontside 180 Heelflip
Brandon Turner – Switch Hardflip
Erik Ellington – Backside Bigspin
Tom Penny – Switch Frontside 180 Kickflip
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