{Right here} are {^hk1^} random skateboard deck collections from the 80’s. In the 80’s the plywood ramp and streetstyle revitalized skateboarding just as the urethane wheel had revitalized the sport in the 70’s. Forced to take an underground, do-it-{your self} attitude, skaters {began} to {produce} their {personal} wooden skate ramps in backyards and empty lots and turn previously unrideable street terrain, such as walls an handrails, into {totally free}-skate parks. Skater-owned {companies} became the norm and innovations in board and truck size allowed the trick envelope to be pushed even {additional}. This generation had its {personal} group of skate stars, some of whom {^hk1^} compete {hk86^^} {^hk1{2}^} Tony Hawk and Steve Caballero. Towards the {^hk1{3}^} of the 80’s the {^hk1{4}^} shifted to street skating and Vert riding became {five}^} {^hk16^}, it was the era of the {^hk17^} street stars like Mark Gonzales, Natas Kaupas and Mike Vallely.
Classic Skateboard Deck Collection #1
Alva Chris Cook “clown” from {^hk18^} ’88 to 89. For some of these boards {^hk19^} {extremely} {your selfhk86^^} to {determine} the {precise} release year {trigger} most of these models {} manufactured and sold for {few} years in their time. {Discovered} the Chris Cook “clown” at {local} 2nd hand sporting goods {store}. The shop keeper had {clearly} {beganhk86^^} bunch of dead stock/factory seconds from some skate shop/{store}. Paid ^hk18^ $1{5} for the Cook.
{Next} up, amazingly {well} preserved Alva Bill Danforth “nomad” with splatter paint, guessing {^hk18^} ’88, {cannot} {keep in mind}. Has {extremely} deep concave {that is} {extremely} close to uncomfortable. Has been built up {producehk86^^} with Thunder 9″ trucks with Santa Cruz “war paint” (some call them “church glass/window” {as well} i guess) graphics. An aquintance scored this board for me roughly a year ago. It has slight water {damage} on {} but {nothing} {serious}. {Overall} in {great} condition, with original blue & black griptape. The graphics & tail are {extremely} {well} preserved even {personalhk86^^} there has {never} been any rails or tailbone mounted.
{Next}, somewhat beat up ’88 Jim “Murf” Murphy and a mistreated second generation Alva Eddie Reategui “warrior” from {^hk18^} {exact same} time. The Murf was {beganhk86^^} as a {complete} with beat up Indys.
The ’87-88-ish Eddie Reategui “Warrior” was salvaged from a fleamarket. It {seems} {somebody} has been practising ollie {skill} on it {totally freehk86^^}. {without} any trucks. Dumbass. {Still} has lots of life in it regardless the half-ruined graphics.
Classic Skateboard Deck Collection #{two}
Lucero “Street {factor}” by Lucero Skateboards (manufactured by Santa Cruz) from ’88 to ’89 traded from a {friend}. Came originally with silver Gullwing Super Pro’s with flyweight baseplates. Somewhat beat up {however} {totally} rideable and the graphics {are not} {as well} {companieshk86^^} either {despite} the battle scars. Has 8,{^hk1^}” 2nd gen Ventures and late 80’s OJII Teamriders 92A. I like how the background graphics (the white swirls) subliminally remind me of his Madrid model (aka “Jester” later also {known} as “X-Teamrider”).
’88 Vision Boneyard built with not-so-{^hk16^} Rannalli trucks with Rannalli bushings along with {utilized} Madrid Fire Fly wheels 97A in neon yellow. I got this board in a trade in {extremely} {good} condition, just a {few} marks on the tail and from the rail mounting screws. Even added the “{Don’t} die {additionalhk86^^} – Vision” sticker (pun intended) to tail to make it {complete}. Classic shape with cool tiny stacked skeletons allover the graphics. Solid board, classic shape. {Same} as Punk Skulls.
Late 80’s (guessing ’87 to ’88) Maui & Sons “Shark Man” {complete} with X-Caliber trucks, X-Caliber wheels and {} X-Caliber plastics gear. {1} of the {less expensive} {however} OK {high quality} completes you could {purchase} from {numerous} sporting {great} shops or even department {shops}. Classic Maui & Sons graphics and logo and {regular} {however} functional (and campy) Variflex shape. The odd {factor} ^hk18^ this board is that the base coat is red. The two Action Factory stickers on the tail have been added later. It was a {local} surf/ski shop back in the day.
{Final}, but not least a ’89 Gordon & Smith Bod Boyle “yin-yang”. Came originally with turquoise Gullwing Phoenix trucks and green 95A OJII Combos and yellow Schmitt Stix rails. Later it has been rebuilt with {much more} era/manufacturer {correct} parts like G&S {famous} Chro-Moly trucks and my old set of yellow G&S Bam Bam wheels 97A. The Roskopp eye sticker was applied by {prior} owner and i {personalhk86^^} it looked {pretty} cool so i left it there. Has {fairly} a bit of concave and steep tail and all {four} wheels wells which was {pretty} {rare} in late 80’s.
Classic Skateboard Deck Collection #{three}
Team Losi “Ooze” {utilizing} two slightly {different} shades of {regular} black grip tape which i {believe}, looks {fascinating}.
Team Losi “Witch {Physician}” with new wave/geometric {three}-colour whatever {design} to match the {} logo.
Team Losi “Pool Dreams” has solid turquoise grip with die-cut hole aroud the {} logo. From this image you get a {great} view of the concave aswell.
Variflex Allen Losi mkIII with “classic” shattered grip tape {^hk18^} the {} graphics.
Classic Skateboard Deck Collection #{four}
’84-85 Variflex Vectra Flat mkII streetstyle/freestyle, (flat as in no-concave). New old stock from the UK. Built with slightly {utilized} Variflex trucks and copers from a {^hk17^} gen Pool Fool and blue Variflex C3 wheels.
’84-85 Variflex Vectra Flat mkII pool/ramp. New old stock from th UK with Variflex Vertex trucks ({outstanding} {high quality} btw, {before} {those} {cheap} {looking} light aluminum versions {found} on all ’87-89 dept {store} Variflexes). Red Variflex C3 wheels and generic copers.
’85-86 Variflex Vectra Concave mkII pool/ramp. New old stock from the UK aswell with Vertex trucks and NOS Powell Peralta Street Cubic wheels 90A. {It is} funny {looking} back at these, {trigger} the concave or no concave seemed to be an {issue} in way as they would boldly print “concave” on to the graphics. In late 80’s let alone these days {^hk19^} taken granted.
’86-’87-ish Variflex Vectra Concave mkIII pool/ramp.{Used} from ebay for $20. The board arrived {following} painful {three} month wait {trigger} the seller had no {idea} how to ship overseas. The deck itself was in somewhat companieshk86^^ condition with delamination {pretty} {much} all {^hk18^} the deck but the graphics, {each} {} and bottom, {} {well} preserved. {Overall} condition (except the {serious} delam) was {pretty} {good}, i’d say 7/{ten}. All original parts and accessories {} there, they {} just {extremely} dirty. It looked as if it was digged out from a mud hole. Has Variflex plastics, Variflex trucks and Variflex wheels. I {truly} dig the graphics on this {one}!
Classic Skateboard Deck Collection #{^hk1^}
’86 Madrid Beau Brown model “collage” NOS. Got to {love} the “artistic” {method} in these graphics. Built for display with {utilized} turquoise Gullwing Phoenix trucks and vintage NOS blue 85A Powell Peralta Rat-Bones.
’86 Madrid X-Teamrider “jester” (a.k.a. John Lucero model {following} he left Madrid) NOS. Built for display with Madrid/Underground trucks, unknown copers and NOS Kryptonics Slammer wheels 88A.
’85 Madrid Gary Sanderson “punk” NOS signed by the man himself. Built for display with 9″ 2nd gen Ventures and NOS Kryptonics CSI wheels 85A.
’86 Madrid Claus Grabke “time” NOS. The {beginning} of the Grabke clock graphics series from 1986. On of the {best} Madrid/Grabke graphics {actually}. Built for display with Tracker Sixtracks Ultralights (w/ Tracker copers) and NOS 85A Santa Cruz “Road Rider” wheels with light blue core from late 80’s (from the looks & {really feel} of these they {appear} to be manufactured by Kryptonics).
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