Skateboarding Cures Depression
in Canadian Skater Girl
It’s not really a surprise to hear that skateboarding cured the depression of 21 year old canadian Melani Hatter.
Most non-prescription help for depression comes from keeping your brain busy since depression is the result of your brain activity slowing down. What better way to keep your brain aroused than an neural-stimulating sport like skateboarding? Melani Hatter used her love of skateboarding to put herself on the road to recovery from mental illness, why can’t you?
Melani was hospitalized last summer with very supportive family by her side. She also had a friend who visited her daily during those hard days.
“During that time, I kept looking out the window at the people skateboarding on the Halifax Commons. I started to crave boarding as it makes me feel so alive.”
Her friend thought skateboarding would help take Mel’s mind off her illness, even for a little while, so she went and got Melani’s skateboard.
When Melani was well enough, they would skateboard together during Melani’s 30-minute day passes.
“I was fighting severe depression and I couldn’t find a way to beat it. I didn’t see any paths, so I tried to hurt myself. I awoke in the hospital,” said Melani.
“I was told that if I hadn’t ended up there, they were not sure I’d be here today. That’s a very scary thought.”
According to the Canadian Mental Health Association, one in five adult Canadians will experience a mental disorder.
Melani wants to help those people like her. Skateboarding was something that helped part of her recovery.
Why not use that skateboarding to raise awareness concerning mental health?
Here’s what Mealni’s explanation on Facebook:
Why I’m raising money for CMHA, National:
From personal experiences with mental health issues, I have come to realize that not enough is being done about mental health in general. I want to raise awareness and funds to support CMHA in any way I can.I thought of the name “Skating for my Sanity” when I was recently in the hospital for mental health reasons myself. I got re-interested in skatboarding and wondered if I could do anything useful with it to help people who were in a situation like I was.
The original plan was to skateboard from Halifax to Moncton, to raise funds and awareness for CMHA, and mental health in general. However, upon contacting the Department of Motor Vehicles, and discussing the laws, there is no way legally to do this. The Act states that no roller blades or skateboards are allowed on any roadway…which differs from my previous knowledge. Therefore, in August 2012 the plans have changed to say the least. What I will be doing is either holding a skate day at the Halifax Commons, or mapping out a 40k marathon route around Halifax where I can use sidewalks and bikelanes- or both.
Either way, in the end..its not the distance you travel, but the journey you make along the way. Stay tuned for more info.
100% of proceeds donated to the Canadian Mental Health Association.
So far, Melani has raised $5,000 for the Canadian Mental Health Association. In August, Melani is planning on holding a skateboard event in HRM.
You can follow this skater girl’s progress on Facebook at Skating for my Sanity.