I can’t even lie, I’m usually pretty picky about the sunglasses I wear. I’m especially critical of sunglasses from action sports brands, mainly because I feel like they are usually trying to hard to make something that looks “aggressively extreme.” You know what I’m talking about, the kind that only look good on a dude that has dreadlocks or otherwise looks like he just fell out of a Monster Energy ad. Fortunately that’s not the case with Arnette’s newest offering – enter The Slacker.
Arnette says that The Slacker have a slick look and unreal quality; are “perfect for all extreme sports – lightweight, strong, durable, and impact resistant, all while delivering superior optical clarity and protection from the sun”; and are the go to shades for dudes like Ryan Decenzo and Filipe Ortiz.
I tend to agree with all of that. Like I said, I’m picky about shades and I really like these. They have a cool modified wayfarer look to them and they are LIGHT. Like, feel like they are made of some kind of spaceship alloy light, and that makes them really comfortable to have on your face for extended periods of time.
An added bonus is they come with a protective case which means that if you’re responsible enough to put them back in that case after you wear them, then you won’t have to buy a new pair because you sat on when you got back to your car after the session is over.
The pair that I received were gloss black with grey lenses (above), but you can also get them here in tortoise and gloss black with green lenses.
Bottom line, it’s almost summer, you need sunglasses. You’ve got two choices: 1) you can keep rocking those cheap neon-templed joints you bought at the gas station that you’ve been sporting the past two summers, or 2) you can step your game up and move into something smooth that might just help you meet some ladies. What? You think I’m kidding? Get off your ass and go snatch a pair of these up. If I’m wrong you can tell me all about it in the comments below.
BONUS EDIT: The case doubles as a REALLY good smartphone case if you find yourself on a boat with some friends.