BambooSK8 makes “green” skateboards with a high- performance design. Bamboo is more sustainable than maple, the most common wood used to make skate decks.
The reason it’s so much more sustainable is how fast bamboo grows. Some species have been recorded growing up to 39 in within a day, so fast you could practically sit there and watch it grow. Bamboo takes 2-6 years to mature enough to be cut for timber whereas maple, on the other hand, can take up to 40 years before it is mature enough to cut down.
Here’s a few more reasons from their website:
“It grows fast.
•Bamboo is not a tree—it’s a grass, and it grows like one. Many species of bamboo can grow two feet or more a day.
•When it’s harvested, it need not be replanted, because it will grow a new shoot from its extensive root system, often 4 to 5 new shoots.
•It renews itself readily, unlike hardwood trees, which, once cut, are gone forever. Canadian Maple trees take around 40-60 years to mature before they can be cut down. Bamboo is an endless renewable resource.
•According to the Science Channel (January 2008, Episode 7 – “Invention Nation”), skateboarding has replaced flooring as the #1 contributor to deforestation of maple trees in North America.”
Aside from the fact that they’re sustainable, the natural bamboo grain is really beautiful but even if you want to get one of their custom designed skate decks, at around $30 you’re not going to break the bank.