The video features the skating talents of Girl riders Brian Anderson, Mike Carroll, Tony Ferguson, Rick Howard, Eric Koston, Rick McCrank, Paul Rodriguez, Jeron Wilson, Brandon Biebel, Robbie McKinley, Jereme Rogers and more. Also, the video is packed with cameos and special appearances, with people like Steve Berra, Jason Dill, Anthony VanEngelen, and Lance Mountain.
A cameo is made by Owen Wilson. He is in a parking lot with Rick Howard, Eric Koston and Mike Carroll preparing to perform a trick on a handrail. By framing the camera very carefully, it appears that Wilson attempts the extremely difficult trick (a backside bluntslide). However, while the camera was facing the opposite direction for a moment, Wilson had slipped out of the frame and is replaced by Eric Koston who is wearing a wig and matching clothes. Koston performs the trick down the staircase and Wilson reappears in the shot after Koston lands to make it look like he completed the trick.